Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Weid Wednesday

So, what's up world?  It's just about 10pm, and I just came in from a very successful walk with Hazel. She took 20 minutes, but finally went pee pee.

Who's Hazel? No, she hasn't replaced Spring; she's the newest addition to apartment 3H. Hazel is a 6 pound brown/white Chihuahua. She's now a New York resident, by way of Texas. Spring's dad is visiting with us for a week, and he brought her along, and will be leaving her in our care upon his departure. We've had her since Monday, and so far she hasn't been super successful with the house training, but we're adamant about changing that. Maybe I'll check in and let everyone know her progress every so often.

For those that are concerned about Ridglea, she's doing pretty well too! She'd probably try and eat the dog if we let them get too close, but she'll warm up to it.

That's about it, till next time.

1 comment:

LibrarianAlexa said...

good luck with the fleas, dude.